1. Classic Bacon Cheeseburger via Simply Delicious 2. CLASSIC ITALIAN PASTA SALAD via I Wash You Dry 3.(Skinny) Mexican Grilled Corn via The Cookie Rookie 4.BEER AND HONEY BBQ CHICKEN SKEWERS via Jo Cooks 5.TOMATO, CUCUMBER & FETA SALAD via Lemon Tree Dwelling What are your favorite BBQ dishes?
Oscar Party Idea: “Brooklyn” Reuben Bites
Raise your hand if you are excited for the Oscar’s tonight! I love the fashion and although I have barely seen any of the movies, I still make a point to watch some of it. We had a work Oscars potluck lunch and I wanted to pop in and share what I brought. There is […]
8 Great Valentine’s Day Desserts
Happy v-day! We kicked off the morning on the couch watching National Geographic channel, with banana bread (recipe here), mimosas, and bacon for brunch. It is zero degrees (YIKES!) so I wouldn’t have it any other way! But I have tonight on my mind including DESSERT! Here are a few ideas for the procrastinators (like […]
Six Last Minute Super Bowl Recipes, from Pinterest!
Happy Super Bowl Sunday! If you have been around here for awhile, you know I am no football fanatic. But that doesn’t mean I can’t daydream about junk food and trying new recipes and big parties, and tune in for the half time show and flip over to the puppy bowl! Here are a few […]
Worthwhile reads from the web
You know how my last Worthwhile reads from the web this week was from the end of April? Here is a round up from May! Slowly but surely I am going to catch up on all the posts I have wanted to share lately! Summer is here! Nothing says summer to me like ice cream. […]
My eats
Ok so these are not my eats from last week (which I used to do on a regular basis), they are the standouts from the rest of May, even though we are clearly WAY into June! Looking back, I see there were barely any homemade meals. Just way too busy with the biz, writing, and […]
4 cakes for a Happy Father’s Day
Golf / Shirt and tie Grill / Lawnmower
My eats from the week
Since my last eats from the week, I have tons of food photos to share, so let’s dive right in! So many delicious foods cooking in my kitchen the past 10 or so days (since my last food photos post)! The bf made one of my favorite healthy dinners: turkey and thyme with rice and […]
Food Photo Friday aka My Eats from the Week
This week flew by! It was definitely eventful with the first day of spring, yet a snow storm…what is up with that?! Anyways, in terms of my eats from the week, I have a few things to share, so lets dive right in. Last weekend the bf and I went to Cask n Flagon for […]
Food Photo Friday aka My Eats from the Week
I already showed you my meatless Monday meal plan this week. But there were lots of other fun food photos to share for this week’s eats. Let’s start off with what I ate OUTSIDE the house which surprisingly wasn’t a ton. The bf and I took a walk around Quincy Market in Boston and he […]