Today is the last day of the Fresh Diet deliveries I have been receiving from the Gilt City Boston voucher/discount. The good news is I stuck to only eating the meals provided and spent no other money on food. Actually I did not even drink any alcohol because I was getting over a cold, so what a healthy week I had in terms of eating and drinking. And I definitely dropped a couple of LB’S too! But I am ready to choose my own food and have some freedom! I definitely learned something though about portion sizes and what it feels like to not be SO full after eating. And I got a few ideas on meals to make at home that are different then my usual routine.
Now onto today’s menu! Breakfast was 2 small multi-grain pancakes with a few grapes, mango ricotta cheese and maple syrup on the side.
Lunch included three pieces of whole wheat pizza alfredo with mushrooms and cheese.
Here’s a close up of a slice.
For snack, two wheat crackers were served with herbed tofu dip on the side. Kind of a weird texture the dip was!
Dinner included vegetarian shepherd’s pie where they took mushrooms and lentils, spinach, and sweet potatoes and layered them up. Then there was celery root puree (surprisingly tasty and smooth!) as well as asparagus on the side.
And dessert, which I already ate (because I swear, my body does not get full from just vegetarian dishes all day) was two figs dipped in chocolate with crushed pistachios on it.
It was a good run but I am ready for reality! I will keep it up with low calorie and smaller portions though. And I do feel like I learned something from the diet. Plus I appreciated the convenience of this whole thing. It is great being able to just wake up and pop something in the microwave or have fruit already cut up for you, wraps ready to grab for lunch, and dinners portioned out to heat up. Plus I have NEVER had stuffed mushrooms for my afternoon snack or anything as nice! Usually it would be boring granola bars or something!
But is it worth the price they charge without a coupon? Not unless you REALLY have money to throw around and an extremely busy schedule where you do not have time to make your own food. One month on the diet without a discount is over a thousand dollars. I would not be surprised if you could hire a personal chef to make a few meals at once at your house for that same price and they would give you even more variety and better veggie and fruit portions and toppings on sandwiches instead of skimping! Oh well. WITH a discount it was great and a new experience.
Have a good night! And if anyone else has any stories about new diets they have tried for their New Year’s resolutions or weight loss or anything; I am all ears and would love to hear about them.
All my posts about the diet can be found here: