I am linking up with these lovely sites, for this weeks 5 on Friday:
1. Favorite in shopping:
As if I don’t have a million dresses hanging in my closet, I bought some new items at ThredUp!
For $67 I got….
2. Favorite freebie:
I had the opportunity to try out Just Add Cooking, where you get a box delivered on Sunday featuring fresh local food and recipes to go along with it.
We chose fish tacos, chicken and tomatoes, and a hot pot soup with meatballs. The convenience of it is pretty awesome! We are very picky so of course we immediately had our own ideas of things to sub in or out, but it is a great way to get new dinner ideas. (if you feel like signing up, use code REFHYUL and I get a referal credit 🙂 please and thank you.) We still have the chicken dish to make today but here are the other two meals prepared.
3. Favorite in subscription boxes:
Right now I am only getting Stitch Fix on a regular basis as for boxes. I received a silver necklace, chevron multi-color top, black and grey dress, blue cardigan, and a black jacket. I decided to keep the necklace and the colored top! Both are items I liked and probably wouldn’t have picked out on my own. Unfortunately the necklace had a small imperfection (one of the links came apart) but it is fixable so I will keep it! (sorry about the phone pic!)
4. Favorite food:
The wedding is really happening this year – we set the date and booked the venue! This summer we are getting married at Merrimack Valley Golf Club! If you follow me on instagram, you saw all the venues we looked at but ultimately this was our favorite! And ironically the catering manager is Sal and the event coordinator is Michelle… and they are married ! So it was meant to be I think:)
Anyways after we put down our deposit to lock in the date, we went out to lunch with Sals parents to Brickyard in Woburn. I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich with cheddar and mushrooms and their house salad which had eggs and bacon and other goodies. It really hit the spot!
5. Favorite package I received:
Have I told you my mother has Parkinson’s? Anyways she doesn’t get around the house like she used to. To pass the time, she took up knitting and she mailed me a box of hand knit baby snow hats to sell. I can’t put them on my site since they vary in size and don’t have tags or anything. So I am going to try to get her some cash on my ebay!
That’s all for now! Happy Friday the 13th and V-Day weekend! We have a big snow storm coming (again!) so it will be a low key weekend. 35 days til spring thank goodness!
What are your favorites from the week?

congrats on setting a date and booking your venue! I bet that’s a great feeling. Happy Friday!
Thank you !! Very exciting !
the hats are too cute!! what is that black number with the zipper?
That was a black jacket that was actually really cool – an off center zipper, sweatshirt material lining, but then fake leather and stretchy material on the outside, almost like a bomber jacket! The bad news was the sleeves were so long so back it went !
Wow, that’s a lot of clothes for $67. Too bad about the coat. …but you know what they say, “girls with short arms have big hearts. ”
I’m confused about the food boxwith local avocados. Are they raised in a greenhouse? Probably in East Boston somewhere I’m thinking to keep all the Salvadoran people and Colombians awash inguacamole.
Super terrific news about the wedding!
And kismet that Sal and Michelle are your go to couple for the big plans. Find out where they went on their honeymoon and go there to make it doubly cool. Better yet, ask them for tips to keep the marriage hot.
Speaking of hot, have you hit up Target for some 50 Shades of Gray toys and lotions? I get red and all hot just thinking about that book and movie. I need some new batteries because mine are all worn out if you catch my drift.
I’m not familiar with that golf club, but I take it from the name that it’s probably in Lawrence right on the shores of the Merrimack River.
That’s great that Sal’s family loves the Indy 500. My Dad went to the Brickyard track in Indy for the race once and he talks about it every May when the race is happening. I’ll have to tell him that he can go to an Indy 500 themed restaurant in Woburn. What kind of stuff was on the walls? Any pictures of Mario Andretti? Bet Sal’s parents luv luv him because he’s Italian and a great driver.
Did you go to the parade? Gronk wearing a 69 jersey was so hot….my mind should be censored for what I’m thinking
Oh no the avocados werent local – i just meant SOME of the products are local and the company itself is local too !
Ha and no Target trips and actually i am probably the last person on earth who has not watched the movie or read the book !
And no his family isnt indy 500 fans but they are good food fans so that is why we stopped there for lunch on the way home! It isnt a themed restaurant – just a normal burger and pizza and cocktails kind of place.
And another no – i didnt make it in for the parade – just my luck it got switched to wednesdsay from tuesday so i wasnt in the office, and it went right on by and all my colleagues got a great view!
Stay warm…spring can’t get here soon enough. …I think you’d like 50 Shades…don’t be so rigid. ..it’s fun stuff! !
Thanks for clearing up the avocado thing..
I just got confused; but I luv luv avocados and they’re a super food to boot.
Abd Thanks for the info on the Brickyard. ..funny name for a place in Woburn. ..did you know that the racetrack in Indianapolis is called the Brickyard? That’s why I got all confused….you must think I’m a bit wacky?
Anyway, hope you and Sal can get a vacation away from this awful weather! !!!#
I agree. A vacation to some warm island would be nice.
This weather is killing me. I luv GRONK !!!
Happy that you also like him Michelle…hope Sal isn’t jealous…haha wink wink
Jill, avocados can’t grow in East Boston. It’s too cold for them.
Thought you’d like to know that. They are imported.
But a lot of restaurants in east boston use avocados….
Michelle, did you that avocados contain what is known as good fat and good cholesterol?
I Luv luv luv avocados. ..was hoping that you could grow them here. But it makes sense that they come from Mexico because every Mexican restaurant even Taco Bell serves guacamole