Event: Wine Riot
Date: April 5-April 6
Website: https://secondglass.com/wineriot/
Event: The Office’s star Creed Bratton at the Wilbur
Date: April 6
Website: https://www.ticketmaster.com/event/0100498EB978BEDF?camefrom=cfc_boswilbur_website
Event: The Jimmy Fund / Rally Against Cancer Dress for Sox-cess on Fenway opening Day
Date: April 8
Website: https://www.kintera.org/TR.asp?a=cjIOK5MOKfKWIcOXE&s=aeLLIUPxGeLIIXMzEpF&m=feJLISOxEjKOK1I
Event: Free Cone Day at Ben & Jerry’s
Date: April 9
Website: https://www.benjerry.com/
Event: Chefs for the Cure
Date: April 11
Website: https://www.kintera.org/site/c.6oIKJVPrGaISF/b.7938771/k.BDFC/Home.htm
Event: Network After work
Date: April 11
Website: https://boston.networkafterwork.com/boston/index.htm
Event: Whoopi Goldberg at the Hanover
Date: April 12
Website: https://www.thehanovertheatre.org/
Event: BYPA 11 Year Anniversary – Night Circus, A Masquerade Ball
Date: April 12
Website: https://www.bostonypa.com/events/bypa-s-11-year-anniversary-night-circus-a-masquerade-ball
Event: Spa Week
Date: April 15- April 21
Website: https://www.spaweek.com/learn-more
Event: What’s Your Beef?
Date: April 18
Website: https://education.bcae.org/whatsyourbeef.html
Event: Taste of the Nation Boston
Date: April 18
Website: https://secure.strength.org/site/Ecommerce?store_id=1301
Event: Spring Beer Fest
Date: April 19
Website: https://www.bostoneventguide.com/
Event: Fashion Show Fridays at Brasserie JO- Kinda Touma
Date: April 19
Website: https://www.brasseriejo.com/
Event: Craftboston
Date: April 19-April 21
Website: https://www.societyofcrafts.org/cbspring/springinfo.asp
Event: Spring Wine Fest
Date: April 20
Website: https://www.bostoneventguide.com/
Event: Safari Phan Night
Date: April 23
Website: https://www.safariphannight.com/
Event: Opus Affair
Date: April 23
Website: https://opusaffair.org/events/2013/opus-affair-april
Event: Friends with Benefits Gala 2013
Date: April 25
Website: https://longwoodgiving.ticketbud.com/2013gala
Event: Dare to Dream Auction & Gala to Benefit the Education Fund
Date: April 26
Website: https://www.sjsne.com/
Event: American Idol Stars Celebrate Broadway at CenterStage at Fitchburg State University
Date: April 27
Website: https://www.bostix.org/event/detail/441658101/American_Idol_Stars_Celebrate_Broadway
Event: Top Chef Seattle winner Kristen Kish Pop-Up Restaurant at No. 9 Park
Date; April 29
Website: https://www.no9park.com/