This week (4/23rd) has been pretty productive. I picked up my keys for the new pad and went and checked it out, only to find it is not exactly move-in ready. I am talking outlets without covers, a random broken lamp in the bedroom on the floor, and a dirty bathroom. But it is not May 1st after all, so I need to remind myself it was nice of them to give me the keys to check out the space again before my lease starts, to decide what I should bring and what I should toss or sell. Lets just hope NEXT time I am in there it is in tip top shape!
I am kind of on a mission to sell or get rid of everything in the living room and kitchen of my current place, with high hopes of finding modern, affordable, and most importantly small pieces of furniture to fill my tiny, little, cozy, new one bedroom. Anyone need an old Ikea couch? A tube TV? A hand me down microwave? Ok, now I just sound desperate. But, I am actually curious to see what money I can scrounge up. I already sold my air conditioner to a co-worker for $50! Success!
Anyways beside the apartment (and way too many hours spent on Pinterest filling my boards with home décor), working out, writing up a storm, and chowing down on the most delic Thai and Chinese food with Sal (the BF) from All Seasons (in Malden, MA), it just has been a chilly weather filled, low key week. Oh, and it was administrative professional day the other day. As many of you know, beside my blogging and professional writing gigs, I am the Office Manger at a recruiting company full time. It was a good day actually since I got a Starbucks card and a Macy’s gift card. They also gave me a nice Snoopy card that they all signed. One co-worker REALLY cared about the day. He wrote “Happy Birthday. Hope it is a great one.” Um, thanks I guess? Ha. I wrote a thank you email to the entire office for the gift cards and was sure to point out my appreciation for his kind words on Admin. Day! Anyways, here is what caught my eye for my worthwhile reads from the web this week:
My gal pal Angie hooked me up with this list from Yahoo of the Top 10 Super foods, for all you healthy eaters and dieters out there. I need to stock up on them this weekend!
New restaurant alert! A new Mexican spot Rosa Mexicano is coming to Seaport, with a May opening, according to Boston Eater. They also reported that Sel de le Terre will be closing this weekend and that Kitchen Nightmares will be back in the North End to film at La Galleria 33!
The Cookstr newsletter featured a Jumbo Crab Cakes with Spicy Mayonnaise recipe that I would love to do a makeover of (or secretly wish I wasn’t a Weight Watcher and could pig out on without the guilt). A little bit of wheat bread here and fat free mayo there and maybe baking instead of frying them, might make it a home run for me!
I love scallops with bacon. I mean really who doesn’t? Well, maybe someone who is kosher certainly is anti. Or vegetarian. Anyways, I am intrigued by this recipe for salmon, where bacon is included in the sauce. I have not seen too many other seafood and bacon pairings beside good ol’ scallops ‘n bacon but salmon and bacon could be just as good! Check out the Pure Wow recipe for Pan-Roasted Salmon with Sauce Soubise.
I love admiring all the fashionable finds on the Piperlime website and I loved Rachel Zoe’s picks for summer loves, especially the Faux Pyrite Stud Earring by Sabine for only 15 bucks!
One of my buddy’s Mari shared this article on FB: Turning 30: 30 Things Every Woman Should Have And Should Know. At first glance, I am proud to have and know most all of ‘em at the ripe old age of 31!! Although I am lacking on the cordless drill part. And not that up-to-date on the names of the secretary of state. Oops. Gotta get on that pronto.
And last but not least, with Mother’s Day around the corner, the Martha Stewart website posted Mother’s Day crafts and decorations, recipes, gifts, and flower arrangement ideas. Many of them are perfect for any party or event really!